Tag Archives: Needles

Better Late Than Never: State Volleyball Footage

Below you’ll find video footage from the 2007 1A, 2A, and 3A state volleyball championships played at Silverado High School in Las Vegas.  The videos are displayed in order of classification.  Each video shows the final game of the respective championship match.

Pahranagat Valley downed Owyhee in four games.

It took five games for Whittell to defeat Needles.

And Yerington finally found a way to down Truckee, winning in four games.


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This week: State Volleyball

This Saturday, we’ll be at Silverado High School in Las Vegas covering the state volleyball championships for each classification.

Semi-final matches will be played on Friday.  Check out NevadaPrep to see who plays who and at what time.

I’ll send a full recap of each state championship match to NevadaPrep and, as usual, I’ll send live updates to the blog.

I’d love to get your thoughts on the tournament and the volleyball season in general.  Whose your team?  What players have stood out?  Who is going to win it all this weekend and why?  Click on the “comments” link at the bottom of this post to give your input.


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Needles Wins

Originally uploaded by elderbrowley
Note: I noticed last week’s page views on this blog slowly fell to an offensively low level.  I’m guessing this is because it took me a while to post anything after last week’s game. 

I know how annoying it is to go to a site over and over again and see nothing new written.  From now on I’ll try to post game thoughts the day after the game.  Then I’ll post a preview for the next game by Wednesday.  How’s that sound to you sensitive page viewers?  I am a working, married full-time student you know.

N 42 L 13.

It was a chilly senior night in Lincoln County.  The sky was clear.  The cold air started breaking through my jacket midway through the second quarter.
We sat behind the pep band.  I strongly believe in pep bands, so keep it up Lincoln.  I don’t know how many other 2A schools have bands, but I think it should be mandatory for all schools.  It should also be mandatory for the pep band to be crazy loud, especially the drummer.  It just adds a lot to the atmosphere, and it can really boost the home team if the band is nuts.

Maybe some time down the road we can have a pep band contest.  In the meantime, if you send a recording of your band, I’ll put it up on the blog.

Tangent over.

As the night cooled, so did Lincoln’s offense.  The Lynx are a better team than what they showed.  They were missing senior running back/linebacker Dutch Barclay, which allowed the Needles defense to zone in on junior back Trent Tibbitts.

The Lynx had their chances to get something in the air.  Sophomore Eric Rippetoe had open receivers, but couldn’t quite find his groove.

But Rippetoe is young.  He has the tools to be a great quarterback.  He’s listed at 6-foot-4, so he can see over the top of most anyone.  He moves well in the pocket.

Don’t count the Lynx out.  They’ll get their rematch, either against Needles or Meadows in the first round.  My guess is they’ll be prepared and hungry.

Needles is tough.    They were in control on offense, with Stevie Kidd, Derek Tye, and Darra Russell running the ball real well. Their O-line was just as impressive in creating the openings Kidd, Tye, and Russell needed.

Needles’ defense was also strong.  Linebackers Donovan Anderson and J.T. Loftin were monsters, and the whole D-line did a nice job.

Needles had a nice crowd on hand, especially in light of the five-hour drive, and you could tell the Mustang caravan was excited to get a win in Panaca.

Now comes the showdown as the Mustangs host undefeated Meadows on Thursday to decide which of the two Mustangs are tops in the Southern 2A.

Does it get any better than that?


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This Week: Needles at Lincoln County

Can you smell the playoffs comin’? 

If not, go to your local team’s locker room.  Uniforms and equipment that hasn’t been washed for three months – that’s what the playoffs smell like.

This week we’re making the two-and-a-half hour trip to Lincoln County to watch the Lynx host the Needles Mustangs. 

There are implications.

The top four teams in the 2A south go to the first round of the playoffs.  The 1- and 2-seeds are at home against the 3- and 4-seeds respectively.  Currently, The Meadows and Needles are tied for first.  Lincoln, who lost a hard-fought game at Meadows, 28-20, is now 2-1 and must win on Friday for any chance at home field advantage in that first round.

Oh yes, this is when it gets fun.

Well, fun for the observers at least.  This is when coaches get less sleep, as Needles head coach Steve Price reminded me last night.

As usual, we’ll send live updates via cell phone.  We’re also hoping to have some audio and video footage to share. 

By the way, the Moapa Valley-Virgin Valley showdown is next Thursday.  Need I say more?


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Originally uploaded by NoNameEMT

Like that baby, I am intrigued.

I am intrigued by the following Southern Nevada football games coming up this weekend.

Beatty at Indian Springs & Round Mountain at Tonopah

These two games are clumped together, because Beatty and Round Mountain are in a similar boat. 

Beatty thumped Lund twice, got thumped by Calvary Chapel and played Laughlin tough.

Round Mountain hasn’t won a game, though they played tough against Coleville and Eureka. 

Now is the time to step up or step out.  I’m curious to see if these two teams can make some noise in the Central Division.

If they can’t, as well as 0-1 Spring Mountain, then Tonopah and Indian Springs will have the 1 and 2 seeds locked up real soon.

West Wendover at Needles & White Pine at Lincoln County

Similar reasons.  West Wendover is 2-3, 0-1 in league.  White Pine hasn’t won a game.  Can they turn things around?

Meanwhile Lincoln and Needles are playing well.  Both are 4-1 overall.  Lincoln routed West Wendover, 59-28 for its first league victory.  Lets see what Needles does against the Wolverines in its first league test. 

Moapa Valley at Faith Lutheran

Virgin Valley gave Faith Lutheran a second-half trouncing on its way to a 41-20 victory.  Now lets see what the Pirates do against the talented Crusaders.  Note: this won’t be a fair comparison if Faith’s starting QB Max Done is back from his wrist injury.  Coach Kothe thought Done’s return was still a couple weeks away after the Virgin Valley game, but you never know. 

Pahranagat Valley at Mountain View 

Mountain View is 5-1, 1-0 in league.  The Panthers are 4-1 and this will be their first league test.  Mountain View has the athletes, but the question is whether they have the physicality to really battle Alamo.


What are you intrigued by?


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